It can ruin your financial status when you have no insurance because when you are sick, medications are expensive. When you are able to find an affordable insurance, get it now and live a worry-free life. Find the best health insurance quotes in the links provided above. If you want lower health premiums then, check it out in America Health Insurance today. Do not procrastinate your decision. You can't go wrong when you have health insurance. It is a necessity for life because we are not always healthy. And when we need some medication and hospitalization, our insurance coverage will save us big time. Visit the Website now and select the coverage that you can afford to pay. It is worth it and you will not regret your decision today.
This is a personal blog that talks about immigration related issues and current events that needs to be discussed. Link To Lawdepot
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Health Insurance with Lower Premiums
It can ruin your financial status when you have no insurance because when you are sick, medications are expensive. When you are able to find an affordable insurance, get it now and live a worry-free life. Find the best health insurance quotes in the links provided above. If you want lower health premiums then, check it out in America Health Insurance today. Do not procrastinate your decision. You can't go wrong when you have health insurance. It is a necessity for life because we are not always healthy. And when we need some medication and hospitalization, our insurance coverage will save us big time. Visit the Website now and select the coverage that you can afford to pay. It is worth it and you will not regret your decision today.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Jennifer Lopez Car Ad
At the time I said to myself I doubt seriously if Jennifer Lopez would ever be seen driving around in a small compact car in the Bronx in New York. The ad went on to portray her returning to her old neighborhood saying that she was inspired and this was her type of world.
Come to find out according to Yahoo Jennifer Lopez was nowhere to be found in the Bronx when this car commercial was shot. She was actually in Los Angeles. The girl featured in the ad was the body double for her. It was reported also that the car actually broke down while filming the commercial. I think the ad would a be more believable if J Lo would've been driving a Mercedes or Cadillac around the streets of Miami or Los Angeles I doubt very seriously if she's ever been in a Fiat or for that matter ever will be. Maybe soon we will see her in a smart car.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Where is Michelle Parker
While driving to Cocoa beach yesterday I noticed many people on the side of the road searching for something then I realized they were looking for any signs of Michelle Parker. Michelle is a missing mother who has disappeared in the last days. Her black, Hummer was found but no signs of Michelle.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family I could not imagine what they are going through. So if you are the person that is holding this poor girl just let her go she has kids and a family that love and need her. Michelle wherever you are hang in their there are many people looking for you and praying for your safe return my family among them. To the people or person who is holding her remember this is the Christmas season a time for compassion and giving so in the spirit of the season give this family the greatest gift that you could and return this girl to her family.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Black Friday
The Christmas season is already upon us boy it came fast. I guess if it was up to the merchants they would like to start on the Fourth of July.
In a few days we will have one of the biggest shopping days of the year commonly known as Black Friday. I have to omit last year I did get up at four clock in the morning and go with a friend of mine to do some Black Friday shopping. I found some pretty good bargains in the electronics department but my biggest purchase was at one of the big box stores where I purchased a washer and dryer. The regular price was $1700 this was one of those washer and dryers that sit on the pedestal you pay extra for the base about $250 each. I bought it complete for $1200 so it was worth my time and loss of sleep.
This Black Friday really I don't need anything but I'm still planning on going out with my wife to see if I can find any great deals. I'm sure I will find something that I can't live without.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Rusty, My Dog

I would normally get up early in the morning have my coffee sitting outside enjoying the fresh air.
One morning while sitting there drinking my coffee a very large rustic looking dog came into the yard. I was thinking wow some kind of wild dog from the swamp as he did look quite ferocious at the time. As the dog approached I said what the heck do you want here! To my relief he began to wag his tail and walked over to me and sat down. This was the beginning of a morning ritual that would last until I moved back to Florida. This dog would come around every morning for breakfast as I had bought some dog food and snacks for him. I gave him the name Rusty because he looked like a Rusty nail. While playing with the dog I learned he was quite intelligent somebody had trained this dog well he would roll over and sit and chase the ball on command. I don't know how this dog ended up in the swamp but he seemed to enjoy his freedom after two or three hours he would disappear and I would not see him until the next morning. I always wondered what happened to him I went back to the neighborhood recently in the morning but did not see him maybe he found a nice home somewhere I hope so.
If There Is The Will, There Is The Way
Well, it was not a perfect circle though and my friend was curious why she cannot smell cigarette from them. She later found out that it was an e-cigarette. She was smoking since high school and she is willing to quit but, her system cannot do it. She tried alternative ways to quit such as eating gums and it did not help. The people told her that using the electronic cigarette helps a lot and it made them forget smoking.
There is a significant change in their smoking habit as what they said. My friend was curious about it and she was planning to buy a starter kit. I was thrilled with her excitement about it. I am hoping that she will do it and can quit her smoking habit with the help of the electronic cigarette.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Deceptive Advertising
When dealing with immigration services there are many companies that will use deceptive advertising. You may go to a website that you think is the State Department they even use the same layout.
These companies will make applying for a visa, or US citizenship or green cards sound like the impossible dream but you must remember they are all trying to sell you something normally their overpriced services. Many of the services and forms these companies try to sell you are in actuality free from the State Department. They will give you an extremely long timeline to complete whatever task it is you need done by the government unless you use their services which can expedite it this is totally false of course. Some of these companies will actually drag out your process so they may charge more. So be sure to check with the State Department website for your processing information as they will not steer you wrong.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Home Inspection A Must
If you are in the market for a new home before you buy be sure that you have a home inspection. Many people sign a waiver declining the inspection this is a big mistake.
If you decline the home inspection you have nothing to fall back on if something is wrong with the home and there can be many things hidden that you will not see with the untrained eye. A good example of this is the roof it may look like it has been replaced recently but there are places that could have leaks and the wood could be rottten underneath. A home inspector will find these defects this could save you a lot of money. There could also be hidden problems with plumbing, hot water heater or the air conditioner unit all of these things could count up to a lot of money that would have to come out of your pocket.
The home inspection is not that expensive they could run from $200-$300 but this is money well spent in the long run you could save thousands. So before you purchase a home make sure you have it inspected by a reputable home inspection company.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Technology Loving Son
My son is a huge technology lover. At first I thought it was a phase, but now it is starting to become a problem. He wants to be on the computer all the time. I finally went to and got internet, but I am starting to regret it. I was thinking it would be a good source of information. I was hopeful my son would be able to use it for school. I even thought it would be a good way for him to make friends. Instead, he uses the internet to research new technology updates or read technology chat boards. I have started limiting his computer use and making him go outside to play. When he was little he loved the outdoors, I would have never thought ten years later I would be forcing him to go outside. I was so excited about what the internet could bring to our household, but I am starting to wonder if it was a good decision. I am hoping this is another phase and he will eventually love going outside again.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Items Not Allowed on Aircraft
You have to be aware of some of the local laws pertaining to what items you may have in some cases certain items are legal in one state and not legal in the other it is the responsibility of the traveler to know this.
Such things as sharp objects, guns, and firearms, explosive ,and flammable objects and disabling chemicals are obvious items that will not be allowed on any aircraft. We're all looking for a safe and stress-free travel during the holiday season so be sure to check with your airline or travel agent if you think you might have a questionable item.
Dollar General's Veteran's Day Discount
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of DollarGeneral for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
After the mass last Sunday, our church joins the cause of showing to the active military on duty that we appreciate their service to the country. The church members made a card and it will be sent to where they are. They will randomly receive it back in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is one activity that we do aside from other activities which the church initiated for the Veterans Day. Compared to the years when I was serving in the army, Americans nowadays give more emphasis to honor the Veterans as well as the active military. It should always be that way because they serve our nation to protect our freedom preserving the peace and security of the country. That is why most of the establishments in the nation such as Dollar General support the good cause to honor our service men and women. Dollar General's Veteran's Day discount gives out the 10% Discount for Veterans, Active Military and their families available in store on Saturday 11/11 and no coupon needed. The 10% Discount is also available online for everyone to celebrate Veterans Day by using the code VETERANSDAY at checkout. If you want to send a care package for our troops with free shipping, just get it at Dollar General. Visit the Facebook page of Dollar General today and view the thank you videos for the troops.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
State Department Forms
Whether you are trying to immigrate to the states or secure some type of visa to enter you may get help from the United States Department of State.
You will find that there are many unscrupulous people who will try to sell you the necessary paperwork required by the State Department for immigration or various types of visas. Some of these crooks will even go to the extent to say they guarantee results. Do not be duped by these claims as no one can guarantee this it is totally a State Department decision. Under no circumstances pay for any forms you will need from the State Department they are free to download or receive through the mail directly from the Department of State. Remember nobody has the fast-track through the process and you can get all the necessary information free from the State Department website.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Warranty Plans
Before you agreed to this there are some questions you should ask the salesman. Because they will tell you not to worry when you purchase a warranty it covers everything including a replacement but this is not necessarily true.
The first question you should ask is the warranty from your company or outsourced to a separate warranty company. In many cases the warranty you purchase is not from the store but from a separate company entirely. It has been my experience that if something does go wrong you will first have to deal with the warranty company and not the store. For example if you have purchased a flatscreen TV from one of the big box stores and something goes wrong it is a mistake to think that you will be able to just return it and get a new one. In most cases the warranty company will try to repair it. If this is too costly for them they will recommend a replacement but this will only be done after a repair person has visited your house to see what the problem was. Then and only then will the warranty company replace the product upon the say so of the repair man. In most cases it is easier and less expensive for them to replace it than repair it. In the meantime while all this is going on you will not have the use of your product which is very frustrating. So when purchasing a warranty the sure to really find out who is backing up the product the company or a separate warranty company.
Best Annuity Rates
The best option that I could think of was to buy a condo unit and rent it. For few months now, I am earning so much than what my bank can give. It would take me some time to get back the capital that I spent but, the property is always there. I guess, this is my best option to get the most out of my money. If you want other option aside from real estate business, you may also want to check out this Website: Safe Money Alternatives. Get the fixed index annuity for your retirement plan. If you are a risk taker, you might be interested to check it out today.
The Immigration Interview
Many people get nervous when they are called for their interview but if you are prepared and have followed all the rules and regulation you really don't have to worry about anything. The immigration interviewers are very experienced and know what they are doing.
Here are a few pointers that may help you in your interview. Be sure to bring all your forms and original documents that are required. You may be asked questions about your forms and documents and should be able to answer them without any confusion.
If you have married an American citizen you will be asked personal questions related to your marriage. You could be interviewed jointly or separately this decision is strictly up to the interviewing officer.
Listening to the questions and answer only the questions that are asked you by the immigration office do not volunteer any other information. If your English is not perfect they bring an interpreter to help you with the question. You also may bring your immigration attorney if you think this is necessary.
Dress appropriately this is a very important interview and you want to make a good impression. Make sure that you show up on time for the interview as it is very difficult to reschedule one.
If you do not understand a question asked the officer to rephrase it. If you do not know the answer to a question is better just admit that you don't. So what call for your interview at the remain calm answer all the questions you can't be truthful and you should have no problem.
Safety Management
When the business focus of the safety of the work environment, it will also mean big savings on their part because, it prevents law-suit from people who are injured in the workplace. If the business neglected this part, it will drag their business down if there are risks involved in the workplace. When people gets hurt or lost their lives in the workplace because the business did not have the safety measures, they will face legal charges. To avoid this incident, they should promote safety management. They should need the software of Medgate to make this aspect manageable. For more information, visit the link above and check out the Website today!
US Visas
If you married a person living in another country you will have to obtain in most cases a visa to enter the United States.
There is a visa that covers this situation it is commonly known as a visa for your spouse. You must apply for this visa while your spouse is living in their country. Once you have supplied the necessary information your spouse will submit this visa to American Consulate or Embassy in his or her native country they will be the approving authority this could generally take up to 3 to 6 months it really depends on the country your spouses is coming from. Once your spouse has arrive you may have to get remarried here it depends if the United States recognizes the marriage in the country your spouses from. This is the proper way to bring your loved one to the states and not having to worry about any repercussions.
Some people try to get around applying for this type of visa by securing a tourist visa for there intended and once they are in the states marrying them. In most cases this seems like the easy way but this could have consequences it just depends on how immigration looks at the situation.
A third option would be the fiancée visa you would fill out the necessary paperwork sent it to your fiancée who in turn would submitted to the American Embassy who would be the approving authority. The embassy would interview your fiancée and make their determination for entry into the United States. So you do have several options it's just up to you which one will best fit your situation.
Dental Clinic at San Antonio
Are you searching for a cosmetic dentistry? Do not look any further because this dental company can provide it for you. They provide services such as Orthodontics, Invisalign, Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers, and more. Call them at 210- 337-6453 and schedule an appointment today. You can bring back that good smile and build that confidence again. Click the link above and check out the Website now. For more information about their services, just visit the Website of Cosmetic Dental Associates today.
As a coffee lover I'm always looking for the latest technology in the coffee market such as the latest coffee machine to come on the market.
Recently I was given a gift of a 6 cup coffee machine the difference between this machine and your standard coffee maker was it does not have a glass coffee carafe as a matter fact it doesn't have one at all. This is a unique coffee machine once the coffee is made you can put your cup under the coffee spout and filled it directly like I said there is no glass pitcher to fool with.
This machine comes in a 6 cup or 12 cup size the choice is up to you. It is very easy to clean as when you are done you just take the top of the machine off and rinse it under the kitchen faucet. This machine also uses the small coffee filters which is convenient and easy to find in your local supermarket. So if you are looking for the latest in coffee percolator's check out your local supermarket or department store they are reasonably priced starting at about $26.
IT Certificates
The generation that we have is all about enhancing technology. All walks of life are influence with the fast-pace innovation of technology, right? All of us are cellphone users and most of us have the computers at home with Wi-Fi access. We are hands-on learners when it comes to technology but, there are simple problems that we cannot comprehend especially when it's about technical terms. The decision of my wife to get an IT course is really a good move because she can use it in her job online.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Married/ Immigration
If you are thinking to marry an American citizen solely for the purpose of obtaining a residence permit commonly known as a green card I think you should have second thoughts and canceled this idea out of your mind.
I know this sounds like an easy way to obtain a green card but if you are discovered doing this you could be permanently ban from entering the United States or for at least 10 years.
Immigration officials are experts at determining if a marriage is for real or for the purpose of obtaining a green card. First you would have an interview with an experienced immigration official who knows what questions to ask you to determine your eligibility for residency.
There are certain requirements that you must meet being married to an American citizen such as both parties having the same address, joint bank account, join credit card and state ID or driver's license all with the same address. You may be interview jointly or separately it is at the discretion of the immigration office. If you are found trying to deceive the immigration system you will be put up for deportation could even happen immediately. So if you are thinking this is an easy way to obtain permanent residence I suggest you think again. You will be dealing with immigration experts that deal with this situation every day. So when trying to become a permanent resident I suggest you follow all the rules and regulations even though they are time-consuming and save your self a lot of headaches and stress.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Information Sheet
This is very useful information on the property that you are about to buy. There will be a short description of the property such as how many bathrooms, bedrooms, and what appliances that will remain with the house when you purchase it.
This information sheet is very useful in letting you know what type of utilities they'll be with the property. For example is it on city water and sewer or does it have a septic tank. It will also inform you on what type of financing is required or if it is a cash deal only. A very important thing that it will tell you is the yearly tax on the property. So it is very important to use a reliable real estate agent who will inform you of this information.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Get the Quality Products
They provide products for power generation industry and they supply for dry sorbent injection. They also provide quality products and when you order from them, you save more because they deliver fast. It will be cost effective since they will give you a reliable performance! This company has the largest inventory of replacement parts so; finding the products that you need is right here. They pioneered the technology in terms of material handling combined with the experience; this company is the leading innovator. Click the link above and check the products, and parts that they have. For more information, you may contact them today.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Motorcycle Parts
It was located at the lobby and Hard Rock use a stanchion to control the people from getting inside the display area. It was okay to look at it and take pictures but, no one was allowed to go near it. It must be an expensive motorcycle and probably a collectible item. Well, if I have a Chopper Pro, I will buy some motorcycle parts and make it a look-alike.
It would be fun to upgrade a motorcycle into something like that. It was really a nice motorcycle and so shiny. If it runs on the road, it would definitely looks like the king of the road and everyone will be looking at it. The last time I went to Hard Rock, the motorcycle was moved inside the casino area near the player's card desk. It looks beautiful in that area though because of the reflections of the light.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Take Advantage of the Free Link Exchange
Buying Your Dream House
Here are some tips that will help make the process of owning your dream home much easier. One of the most important is to find a reputable real estate agent. One that knows the market in your area and is knowledgeable. You can pinpoint the area that you want to purchase your home such as do I want to live near the sea the mountains or in the city or country. You must also have a set price in mind as how much you want to pay. You should have your real estate agent show you as many houses as possible in the area you have chosen. This lets you compare the prices and the condition of the various homes.
Once you have chosen the house of your dream you should to a thorough walk-through to inspect for any damages such as mold, water leaks, cracks in the foundation, and the general condition of the property such as does it need to be painted or have any of the fixtures repaired and also if all the appliance come with the home.
Before you purchase the home you should have a qualified experience home inspector looked at the property and inspected it from head to toe to make sure you are not buying somebody's problem. So get with your local real estate agent and begin your search good luck.