At one point or another, most people have experienced the sinking feeling that comes when they grab the mouse to “click here” and get the blue screen of death. If you have your computer files currently backed up, the problem is merely an annoyance. If you are not current on your backup, the problem is much worse. Not only is it annoying, but it can cost you a lot of money in irretrievable data as well as efforts to find and restore what data you can.

• Automatic backup systems
• Syncing programs
• Complete system backup
• Incremental backups
• Offsite storage and backups
Automatic Backups
Part of the problem that individuals have with backing up their data is simply remembering to do it. That is the beauty of systems that automatically backup your files. Once you have set up the system, it will automatically run based on a schedule that you determine. Moreover, automatic backups can occur using either physical storage or storage in the cloud.
Syncing Programs
There are programs on the Internet that will create a copy of any file or document as it is saved. For this to work correctly, you must be connected to the Internet. When you are offline, the syncing process waits until you are connected to happen.
Complete System Backups
A complete system backup is simply that, a backup of every single file and program on your computer. Generally speaking, this backup is done rarely. Once it’s done, you follow it up with incremental backups.
Incremental Backups
Incremental backups are designed to backup only the files or programs that have changed since your most recent backup. These backups take much less time to do than a complete system backup.
Offsite Storage
An important element of backing up your data is to have a copy that is stored somewhere other than your physical location. This is to protect your data in case your building or computers are damaged in some manner. Cloud storage is an excellent offsite backup that makes your data easily available wherever you are. All you need to do is “click here” and follow the instructions to gain access to your data.