This is a personal blog that talks about immigration related issues and current events that needs to be discussed. Link To Lawdepot
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tot Mom Strikes Again.
Big and Tall Clothing
One of the finale episodes, the contestants admit that they were embarrass most of the time especially when they wear big and tall clothing. They can't shop in a normal store. If they go inside a store, fitting the right size is impossible. They have to find an apparel store which can customize their clothing wear and that is convenient for them.
Being big can become a health hazard. Other illness will start to come out and sometimes it will become a life threatening situation. The need to lose pound is a struggle. That is why, the Biggest Loser show is truly a wonderful project showcasing the struggles of these equally talented group of people. Nowadays, more apparel business open up to sell clothing's for big individuals out there. They need the support from the community and we should cooperate to let them feel that they are special.
Dissolution of Marriage
The United States is probably one of the easiest countries to terminate your marriage. If you have been married and have not acquired property or assets over $50,000 it is relatively easy to dissolve your union in most cases it will only take about 30 to 45 days. Such a short time to in a relationship that was supposed to last a lifetime.
You don't even need an attorney to dissolve this relationship. You can acquire the necessary paperwork at the local courthouse. You will be given a divorce packet outlining precisely how to fill out the necessary forms and file them with the court. This is titled simplified dissolution of marriage. The form is self-explanatory and mainly have questions as to how the couple will divide their assets there are instructions that will guide you through the process. This process does not find anyone at fault it just states that the parties involved cannot reconcile their differences. So if you are planning to divorce and have assets of $50,000 or less you might want to file this do-it-yourself divorce and save yourself a lot of money.
American Dream
In the last six months, there has been more activity in the condo market. It is mainly due to the variety of inventory and very attractive prices. It is obvious that the recent sales suggest that the real estate market in Hawaii is starting to go forward because of short sales.
When purchasing a real estate property, I advise you to check out American Dream Realty Hawaii first before heading to another adventure. It is always advisable to have a real estate agent or broker. They are more than just a salesperson. They are the ones who act on your behalf and are looking out for your best interest. Since you have no competition to buy, they can make recommendations of what terms and prices to offer as well as negotiate a deal for you.
They are also familiar with the local area as far as which neighborhoods are the best to live in. They are also familiar with various fees and taxes. So remember, when purchasing a real estate whether it is on the big Island or any of the small islands that make up Hawaii, be sure to use a reputable company to make your purchase go quickly and without major complications.
Lease To Own Program
An advantage to the buyer who can't qualify for a home loan of any sort is this will give them time to repair their credit and gain some equity in the house.
If you are thinking about purchasing a home through a rent to own program you should probably have a real estate attorney look at the agreement. To make sure that it is structured in a way so that both parties benefit. Buyer should be cautious that the contract is not structured so all the benefits flow to one party and not the other. So remember it is important to read and know what you are entering into when participating in a rent to own program.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Importance of SEO
The need for SEO Services is vital for online business. The Web is like the universe and there are so many Websites out there that offer the same services which competes well and manage to stand out from the rest. Your online business is just one site among the vast Websites in the universe of the world wide web. What will you do to stand out?
Oh no Baggy Pants Ban!!
Probably the only people who support baggy pants are the underwear manufacturers themselves. This is free advertisements for them and they get to show off their product. Hopefully the ones with pants on the ground are wearing clean underwear. I hope the farmers of America do not follow the baggy pants and trend as I would hate to see their overalls and long underwear halfway down like pants on the ground.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Duh!! Americans
It seems that many Americans do not know much about the history of their country also. On test given to Americans on history, geography, and civics their test scores were very low. As a matter of fact, they fall far below many of the advanced nations of the world. Roughly 7% of Americans could not find our country on a world map which is really sad. I asked myself the question why? I think one of the reasons is that schools in this country especially high schools are a big social event. They have the football team, the basketball team and many other activities that really don't have anything to do with learning. I am not against having such activities in the school but when they become more important than the reason for being there then it becomes a problem.
Kids going to school nowadays have to have the latest pair of shoes or popular jeans that are in fashion. Then there is the high school prom. This used to be an event that was relatively simple, held at the high school, you wore your best clothes and had a good time. Nowadays, it should be held in some fancy hotel, the kids show up in rented limousine and have lavish parties afterwards.
Like I said, it has become a great social event not a place to learn but a place to show off the latest fashions. The kids nowadays can sing the latest rap song but lack the basic skills to read or write well!
Monday, July 25, 2011
There are many different types of marriage such as the normal ceremonial marriage, common-law marriage and married by proxy. The traditional marriage is a form in which a notary will act as the officiant.
In most cases a marriage license cannot be issued to a person under the age of 18 without written permission from his or her parents or legal guardian.
When a marriage license is issued there is normally an effective date on it when the ceremony can be performed usually within three days. In most cases a marriage license is obtained from the circuit court clerk. The Florida marriage license cannot be used outside the state. The license is void if not used in 60 days. A marriage license issued by another state is not valid in Florida.
There is no law in Florida that mandate any specific language protocol or procedure for use in the performance of a marriage ceremony. If acceptable to all parties the traditional written ceremony can be utilized.
So if you would like to have your wedding to take place in the state of Florida call the number above.
They have different plans from a formal wedding to an informal wedding which can be held in the beautiful beaches in Central Florida. Just contact now! They will be happy to assist you.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Appliance Removal
Most appliances are large and bulky so; they are difficult to move around. If you want to discard a dishwasher or gas stove, they cannot be removed until you disconnect the water or the gas line. That will be dangerous if you have no skills to fix it. This is why you might want to contact the company who has the experience in appliance removal.
For sure, they know what they are doing. For example, when disconnecting appliance such as a dishwasher this could become very messy. Also, any appliances with a gas line could be dangerous to disconnect if you're not familiar with the procedure. Another advantage to have a company remove your appliances, they will have adequate personnel there to handle the job because of the size and awkwardness of most appliances. So save yourself a lot of stress and aggravation let the profession come take away all your unwanted appliances you'll be glad you did.
On Chinese Drywall
Many new homes were constructed with this cheap drywall imported from China. Unbeknown to most people this was a very serious and dangerous mistake. Between 2004 and 2008 contractors imported 540,000,000 pounds of drywall from China. It is estimated that roughly 100,000 homes may have been built with this defective drywall throughout the United States.
Here are some of the symptoms to look for if you think your home contains any of this defective drywall from China. A foul smell coming from your walls if this is a newly built home. Inspect the copper pipe on your hot water heater if they have turned black this is also a sign. If you start to experience sinus problems, muscle aches, and dizzy spells while living in your home then you definitely have a drywall problem. This drywall is so toxic it can damage the wiring and plumbing in your home. Some homeowners had to relocate while repairs were being done on their home because all new material had to be installed.
If you are worried that your home may contain some of this toxic drywall. The Florida Atty. Gen. recommends you perform an inspection if you do not see a stamp that says "Made In" or a company name on the drywall you should contact a builder or licensed contractor and get their opinion.
So if you are looking to purchase a new home or even an older one and suspect there could be Chinese drywall run from this deal as quickly as possible do not put yourself through the mystery and heartbreak this could cause you no matter how good the deal is.
My Roommate Flight
Last week, my roommates and I had our first fight about something really dumb. Two of us wanted to watch the “Dancing with the Stars” finale, and the other two wanted to watch “the Bachelorette.” Now, I realize that this is a stupid thing to fight about, but really it was based around the fact that nobody would compromise in the situation. We only have one TV, so naturally my roommate that owns the TV said that she should be able to watch whatever she wanted because it is hers. Then, I said if that was the case then she couldn’t sit on the couches to watch because they are mine. Again- I know- not the most mature thing for college girls to be fighting about, but it happened anyway. Luckily, my roommate Susan went to while we were all sitting there (she’s the rational one), and we discussed getting Satellite so this doesn’t happen again. We came to a compromise to watch half of each, and in the future- record all of our shows!
Chinese Drywall
New Scrubs
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Estate Planning
Whether you have a large estate or small one it would be prudent to be planning on how you would like your assets and property to be distributed when you depart from this Earth. I am sure you would like your possession to go to family and friends of your choice. This can be done if you have planned your estate properly. I know you would not want any of your estate going to the government but this could happen if you do not have the proper last will and testament so plan your estate now and avoid any unwanted consequences for the people you leave behind.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Home Security
Installing the proper locks such as a good deadbolt can reduce your chances of being a victim but an experienced criminal can usually get through nearly all locks within 60 seconds. Adding exterior lighting will also help. But most experts agree that adding a home security system is your best protection preferably one that is monitored 24 hours a day.
Some of the advantages of having good home security muscleshoals are: most criminals will avoid a residence that is protected by a good system and move on to one without protection. Another advantage is that some security companies will provide free equipment along with a monthly monitoring contract. Another advantage is most of the new security systems are wireless and do not require a phone line. Before selecting a system, it's important to be familiar with all the services available. Before you purchase, consider the cost of the installation, the monitoring of the service, will your company monitor the system 24 hours a day seven days a week with a live person that will quickly contact the police if a break-in occurred at your home and etcetera. Finally does the company provide a money back guarantee for faulty equipment?
I hope you find this information helpful in selecting a home security system that will keep you and your family the safest.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Shuttle Atlantis the End of an Era
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Online Degree Programs
I have a friend who are recently married and are settling in to having children with in the year or so. But, both of them had plans to go back to school too to venture new careers. The couple have an adequate job but, they are not satisfied with what they are earning right now. I told them to learn about Walden to get an idea about getting an education. This couple needed that education and nothing can pull them back in achieving that goal. I bet there are people like them who are working a regular 40 hour/week plus the overtime and it is so hard to find time to attend college on a full-time basis.
That is why is here, an alternative school to get that Education and eventually fulfill your dreams. Even though you cannot attend on campus classes,Walden University's online degree programs will give you the opportunity to further your education. This provides you with an affordable and flexible alternative way to receive quality instructions leading to a degree. Over 80% of educational material is delivered over the Internet. There are so many courses are structured so you can exchange ideas with other students as well as the faculty using online tools. You can also discuss course related issues with instructors and this can be done through e-mails. You can post assignments and submit them online depending on the format of the class. Online education solves the problem of time as barriers to obtaining your education. This will give you the flexibility that allows you to better balance life while attending school.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Small claims Court
Just some brief information on small claims court here in Florida. Some of my readers have asked me for information about the small claims court.
Question: What is the dollar limit that can be claimed in small claims court? In Florida the dollar limit is set at $5000.
Question: Where to sue? You must sue where the defendant resides or where the injury occurred or where a contract was broken.
Question: Who will serve the necessary papers? A police officer, a court appointed adult, or by certified mail with return receipt.
Question: When will be a trial date? In most cases within 60 days after a pretrial conference.
I hope I have answered some of your questions but you really should contact a local attorney if you are planning to bring a claim in the small claims court. They can give you much more information that you will need in planning your case. Most attorney have a first visit free policy and they can determine if your case has merit.
Carpet Repair
Let's say for example you have burnt area on your carpet, this can be very ugly to see. It would be very expensive to purchase a replacement carpet, right? You only need a carpet repair service austin who are professional and they can make it less noticeable with a few simple tricks. There is no fullproof way to make your carpet look brand-new after the burns but they will be able to repair the carpet and hide most of the dark spots.
So if you are having problems with such things as dark spots or even just need to stretch your carpet, don't hesitate to call a professional company. They can save you money by doing the repairs rather than the purchase of a new carpet.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Caylee Memorial Site

I believe this land would have to be filled in with dirt before you could begin construction on a walkway otherwise it could be underwater quite a bit of the time and that would defeat the purpose that it was intended for. I do agree that this would be a fitting memorial to the young daughter of Casey Anthony who was thrown away like garbage in this spot. But I think there are questions to be answered before people start donating their hard earned money for this cause.
Excellent Credit Scores
Nowadays, there are biggest lenders for home mortgages and they have raised their credit scores from 620 -640 on home loans which they are willing to fund. This means you would probably have to have a score of 640 to get an FHA loan. So keep in mind that your good credit score is very important when applying for a home mortgage.
Why you should have a will
A will can determine who exactly will inherit your property. You also can designate who will administer your last wishes or who may be the guardian of your children that survived you. So you can see how important it is to have a last will and testament no matter what your marital status or financial situation is. So remember every adult should have an up to date last will and testament. If you have any questions or need help in preparing a will contact us here at RMS Notary Service through the comment section of this blog and we will be glad to help you.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Government cutbacks
Due to the high rising debt incurred by our country the government is looking for ways to cut back as many programs as possible. Of course they always bring up Social Security I like the way they phrase it we must cut back on entitlements .Social Security is not an entitlement it's a program that seniors have paid into their entire working life so don't come around here calling it an entitlement it is an earned benefit.
Are the congressman and senators and the present administration really looking to make the necessary cuts in the right places or are they just looking for scapegoats.
I have some suggestions for them as how to make some real cuts. Let us start with the Defense Department. Do we really need all the foreign basis around the world for example why do we need so many troops in Germany they have their own army they are members of NATO we could save a lot of money by pulling out of their. How much money do we spend on training citizens from other countries the art of war? Let these countries get their own training programs another savings that would amount to a huge sum of money. Let us move on to the State Department I am sure they waste billions of dollars on all this foreign aid given to countries in the Middle East that don't even like us and never will you can't buy your friends. I would love to know the cost of all these limos that State Department officials rtde around in. Now we can move on to the White House you can imagine the travel bill for this president as he has traveled more miles than any president in office gives the jet fuel for Air Force One must be staggering. Then you have the cost of security such as more limos and even helicopters every time this guy goes out the gate of the White House. Let us start by clipping his wings he doesn't have to fly to a different city in United States every day to make a speech about the economy that he is responsible for helping to run in the ground. Now let's get to the big boys of spending the Congress and House of Representatives these bozos are capable of spending millions of dollars on their pork barrel projects and ridiculous programs such as giving money to acorn a left-wing political group. How about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the ground losing billions of dollars I think we need an investigation there big time. So all you so-called government officials looking for cuts just look in your own backyard there's plenty to be had there.
So remember Mr. government officials when you start looking at Social Security just remember that the senior citizens of this country are 50 million members strong and can put you out of office in a heartbeat.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Free at last free at last
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Light Bulbs
Obama news conference
The Hyundai Sonata
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Road Trip
Monday, July 11, 2011
Casey Anthony To Be Freed
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Web Development
Let them focus the web development and SEO of your business so that you will be search-able by your targeted clients or customers. For ecommerce consulting company, visit the links which are provided here. They are dedicated to help your business stand out from the competition. If you are searching for experts and knowledgeable in the latest technologies, check out this Website today!
Time Shares
I really don't see why someone would invest in a timeshare. Number one you have to put a down payment just as you would with a house or condo. There are monthly payments to pay for property the same as if you would have purchased a home or condominium. On top of that you will have to pay a maintenance fee and taxes the same as you would pay on a condo. It seems to me very expensive to own a timeshare that you will use at the most for one month a year. If you add up all the expenses you could stay at a luxury hotel on your vacation for the same amount of time and probably come out cheaper. Before purchasing a timeshare you should really investigate all the fees and regulation involved in ownership. There has been such abuse and fraud in this industry that it is heavily regulated by most states. There is a period of recession usually 5 to 7 days that the purchaser may terminate the contract after purchase. So I say buyer be ware!
Interesting Mood
Friday, July 8, 2011
Not Guilty
The simple fact is there is no way she will not go free. The jury found her not guilty because of lack of evidence. The state of Florida did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. On the other charges of lying to a police officer she received four-years. She has been in jail for three years and with good behavior time she will walk out of the Orange County jail on 19 July 2011. I myself think that she got away with murder also. We cannot be mad at the jury for doing their duty as they did follow the letter of the law as they were instructed by Judge Perry. If there is reasonable doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt then you must render a verdict of not guilty. Jury member number three said this was the case and that is why they came to the decision of not guilty. Like it or not that is the law of the land so let us put this in the rear view mirror and move on with our lives as I am sure Casey Anthony and her family will move on with theirs. Only God will judge Casey Anthony now and I really would not want to be in her shoes as he doesn't take kindly to someone killing one of his children.
Family Fun
Anyway, I was a caregiver to my elderly father who was 90 years old and we did not get out of the house much. I was always looking for new ways to pass the time with him. It was a great day when we discovered online games, such an excellent way to have fun with the family! We particularly enjoyed playing golf as he used to be an avid golfer which he really enjoyed playing.
There's nothing better than playing games with your family and creating a good quality time together. So, when you are all sitting around the house and someone says what can we do? Just give online games a try and I'm sure you will enjoy it
Monday, July 4, 2011
Courthouse Visit