Just when I thought I had heard the last of Casey Anthony for a while damn if she didn't pop up again this time in the form of a mask. That's right folks Casey is back in the form of a life like Halloween mask. I do have to admit it does look like her and surely would scare the hell out of me on Halloween.
I believe I would be scared to ware this mask on Halloween as someone might beat the hell out of me thinking I was the real Casey. What would be the reason someone would make a mask of this pathological liar. Maybe if you wanted to have kinky Casey sex games or scare the hell out your kids it might fit the bill. Now what we need is a Nancy Grace mask so they could meet in front of the courthouse and duke it out. Or how about a Judge Perry mask so you could walk around saying overruled Mr. Baez or a Cheney Mason mask giving everybody the middle finger. The sad part of this whole story is that someone actually bid $1 million on eBay for the mask we really have some sick people in this country. Have a great Halloween.
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