Keith Olbermann's new show on current TV which is the network owned by Al Gore made its debut on Monday night. Olbermann came out swinging against his old network MSNBC. Olbermann first guest was none other than Michael [fat boy Moore.] That was to be expected as network leans far to the left and so does Olbermann and Moore.
Olbermann is the same unapologetic self-righteous liberal that he always was. I don't think the right as much to worry about from the show I think they have a very small audience the current network is struggling just to stay alive so if you are a Olbermann fan I suggest you watch as much as possible before the whole bunch is off the air.
When Olbermann was up against Fox especially Bill O'Reilly his rating was lower than whale crap and that's at the bottom of the ocean. So to the 200 fans of countdown I hope you enjoy the show for at least the next few months before it is cancel along with the network.
Breaking news :Keith Olbermann has been relieved of his duty's as the in house commentator for the New York Yankees. This is coming across our desk so we will have details in a later blog.
Breaking news :Keith Olbermann has been relieved of his duty's as the in house commentator for the New York Yankees. This is coming across our desk so we will have details in a later blog.