Today I went to the Publix supermarket on Lee Vista Avenue to buy for few items. As I left the parking lot and turned right back on Lee Vista, I noticed the next street was Chickasaw Trail. So, if you go down this street you will come to Suburban Drive on this street about 25 feet into the woods the body of Caylee Anthony was found.
I asked my wife if she would like to take another look at the scene as we had both written about this area in our blogs, she said yes so, off we went. We went by the Anthony home first which is only about 5 minutes from the area where they found Caylee.
It is very quiet on this street now compared to when all the protesters were there we only saw one car taking pictures of the house. We proceeded to Suburban drive it was a little bit different scene. There are about four cars lined up and five people are walking back into the woods to see where they found the baby. One lady had her kids with her one was about the age of Caylee looking at this child I can not imagine how Casey Anthony could leave her baby in these woods.
The first time my wife and myself went to this area, we were the only ones there. A teddy bear and a rose had been placed at the site today. There were several teddy bears, flowers and a stone plaque that said Caylee you are an angel.
I guess more people are going to this site since the trial aired on television. It is not an eerie place but quiet and peaceful. But, you see now all the weeds and trash have been removed and there is a clear path to where the remains of Caylee was found.
Soon the trial will be coming to an end and we will learn the fate of her mother. In the end, Casey will have to answer to her daughter when she will be asked,"Why did you do this to me mommy"?
So, like the stone plaque placed in this area in the wood says, Caylee is really angel. This child is with God now and the guilty person who did this will have to face his wrath.
Rest in Peace Caylee!