This is an update on the Weinergate scandal. Some new facts have come to light in Weinergate. It has been reported that Congressman Anthony Weiner has about 200 young women on his twitter account mostly college girls between the ages of 21 to 25. Apparently, a lewd photo from the Weiner account was sent out on Friday to one of these young women.
It seems to be a photo of Congressman Weiner but this cannot be confirmed. Mr. Weiner would not say yes or no when ask my reporters if this was he. He is standing by the story that his account was hacked. It is going to get hotter then a weiner cooking on a grill in the next few days for the congressman. He may want to jump on the Oscar Meyer weinermobile and get out of town for a few days. I understand that the congressman was recently married to a young woman about the age of 21 I really hope that his story is true as it would be very sad for his wife if not. That would be very unfair to her. In closing, I wish the congressman well and for God sakes close that twitter account.
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